Virtual Museum of traces in the maze

Why Christian religion is repeating the Orphic faith and what is the secret of the forgotten frescoes in the Roman catacombs? What is the relation between the meander, the octagonal star and the deepest cave on the Balkans? And why the octagonal star are more than the crosses in Rome and the Vatican?

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Ludmila Filipova


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The Parchment Maze

After reading this book you will never be the same. Because while speeding through the pages, breathless, your present will be turned upside down to an extend, of which you are willing to look at the bottom of the labyrinth.

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Сюжетът на Антихтонът на Данте започва в най-грамадния пещерен комплекс в Европа Гроте ди Фрасаси, където е намерено безжизнено тяло на жена, изхвърлено от подземните приливи на река Сентино.

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